Custom Uno Cards

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  1. Customizable Uno Cards Rules
  2. Personalised Uno Cards

In addition to Jan’s description of Crazy UNO comes this “Official” version from a correspondent of hers:

1). “Slap” If you have the exact same card that was last played, you may play it at any time, regardless of whose turn it is.

2). If a seven (7) is played, the player must trade their hand with an opponent of his/her choice with only one exception…

3). If a seven (7) is slapped, the player who slapped has three choices:
a). Trade his/her hand with an opponent of choice.
b). Have two opponents trade their hands.
c). Do nothing.

In recent years, Mattel has introduced two new Action card types to Uno. Instead of 108 cards, Uno now has 112 cards. What do these 4 extra cards do? Note: You can still play classic Uno without them by simply removing them before you start the game. UNO UNO is the classic card game that’s easy to pick up and impossible to put down! Players take turns matching a card in their hand with the current card shown on top of the deck either by color or number. Special action cards deliver game-changing moments as they help you defeat your opponents. Uno Customizable Wild Card Expansion Ideas As we all know the latest pack of UNO cards contain 3 customizable wild cards (along with the swap hands card) and upon searching around I found that people either don't have much ideas implementing new cards or just goes toward the route of having imbalanced cards (draw 10) and etc. Only the person required to draw the 4 cards can make the challenge.” So if you’re going to use your Wild Draw 4 to prevent somebody else from calling “UNO,” you’d better have a pretty. Use the action cards or house rule cards against your opponents. When you're down to one card, don't forget to yell 'UNO!' These 4 extra cards are game changers! Play the 'Swap Hands' card to change hands with any opponent! 3 Customizable cards let you write any house rule you want! Customizable cards erase to make new rules.

Custom uno cards maker

4). If a zero (0) is played, players must pass their hand in the direction of play.

5). “Nullification” If a reverse is slapped, it nullifies the original reverse thus preserving the direction of play.

Good custom uno cards

6). If a one (1) is played, you must pass one card to an opponent of your choice.

7). Dealing: The youngest player deals the first hand. Seven cards to each player dealt one at a time starting with the player to the dealer’s left with the fourth card being dealt face up. The dealer then flips the top card to begin play. This card is the “flipped card.”

8). Player names: Each player must pick their game name (other than their real name) before play begins. During play, all players must refer to all other players by their game name. Failure to do so will result in one penalty card being drawn from the stockpile.

9). “Slap out da gate bonus” If the “flipped card is slapped by any player other than the player whose turn it is, the hand is over. The player who slapped receives the –20 points for going out and all other players add up their hands as usual.

10). “Draw four out the gate” If a player legally plays a draw four on the flipped card, that player receives a bonus of –50 at the end of the hand.

11). “Rule 10 exception” If the flipped card IS a draw four, there is no bonus awarded, only the “slap out da gate bonus.” (See rule 9).

12). If a player leaves a game for any reason, they receive a DNF (did not finish) for their score and are not allowed to re-enter the game.

13). No substitutions permitted under any circumstances.


14). If a player wishes to join a game in progress, their score begins at one (1) plus the current last place player’s score.

15). If a player slaps his/her own card, it remains that player’s turn.

16). If you cannot play when it is your turn you pick one card from the stockpile and either pass or play. NOTE: you may choose to pass at any time regardless of whether or not you can play.

17). The current dealer has the right to move the game to an alternate location before he/she deals.

Custom Uno Cards

18). Scoring:


Card Point Value
Seven (7) -7
Zero (0) 100
Face cards (Skip, Reverse, Draw Two) 20
Numbered Cards (1-6,8-9) Face Value
Black Cards (Wild and Draw Four) 50
Going Out -20
Draw Four Out Da Gate -50

19). Marathon Hand: Players must predetermine when the marathon is to be played by marking a star several lines below the start of the game; OR when a players score reaches 500 points. The marathon hand ends the game. Point values are doubled. There is NO trading of player’s hands. The dealer deals 3 cards to every player, then 2 cards excluding the player with the highest score, then 3 cards excluding the player with the 2nd highest score, then 2 cards…until the player with the lowest (winning) score receives 2 or 3 cards to end the deal.

Customizable Uno Cards Rules

courtesy of Jason

Personalised Uno Cards

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