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- Reddit Best Online Sportsbook For Usa Customers
You want the fastest payouts right? Sports bettors understandably want the fastest sportsbook payouts possible. Having quick access to your funds gives them flexibility. You can take advantage of great lines offered, use the money to celebrate a major win. Or, you can ensure the money is ready to move on a highly-anticipated sporting event.

Dec 17, 2020 Which Sportsbook Is the Best in the US (Reddit-Upvoted)? There are more than 180,000 members of the Sports Betting community on Reddit. From time to time, they discuss the best sportsbooks in America, covering everything from bonuses to odds. Being the largest State in the USA with almost 40 million residents, it's no surprise that California is a hotbed for sports betting in the United States. California, like the majority of states in the USA, does not allow sports betting within the State. It passed online casino gaming and mobile sports betting in 2019, with FanDuel and DraftKings among the best sports betting sites now operating in West Virginia. At least five land-based casinos were also approved to accept in-person sports bets. The highest rating a sportsbook can achieve is an A+ from SBR. A sports betting site must excel across a wide range of criteria in order to achieve that coveted rating, including security. Team Spread Money Line Total Points Team Points; Sunday, Feb 07, 2021 - NFL Football Game: 06:30 PM: 101: Kansas City Chiefs.
This list is our weekly updated payout report from the sportsbooks on our Good list.
Last Updated 2/1/2021 – 2021 Payouts & Cash Outs Update
- Bovada – Check payouts are taking about 48 hours to your door. This is after your cash out request is approved. Getting approved can take a bit of time if it is your first withdrawal. Keep in mind that only once per month you can get a Fedex overnight delivery – always deposit your check right away at your normal bank! I would not try and cash it at a gas station or check cashing place. Players get one check free per month Bovada will be encouraging you to utilize bitcoin. It’s easy to set up a wallet to receive BTC from Bovada and they pay out promptly. Usually within hours once your account is established. I wrote a bitcoin gambling wallet guide if you want to get set up (short answer is use Green Wallet from Blockstream.)
- Bet Online – Bitcoin cashouts preferred and take within 24 hours of request. Check payments take 4-5 days or so, which is consistent with previous months. They are pushing bitcoin for cash outs and deposits (as is the entire industry).
- Bookmaker – No more checks to anyone at Bookmaker – you need bitcoin or crypto to cash out (or in). Checks were taking 3-4 days but they are really pushing crypto. However they always pay lightning fast, with bitcoin to me on the first week of the month. Bitcoin payments are about 1 day on average and mine was within hours.
- MyBookie – My honest answer is that they pay, but it’s not as fast as the other sportsbooks. Slower pays here up to the end of the month but they manage to make payouts. Players are getting paid via check and crypto. Checks take about a week right now. This book is honestly somewhat of an enigma for me. Some months they pay out way sooner than other. Reports from the internet is that payouts are taking about a week. More details to come soon.
2021 Sportsbook Cashout Report – Updated All Month Long
February 2021 – Expect Bookmaker on Tuesday or Wednesday. Bovada around the 7th with BOL coming in a couple days later. Updates as payouts are received.
January 2021 – It’s a new year and we are following the speed of payouts from sportsbetting sites all year long. Bookmaker and Intertops expected within days. Bovada around the end of this week. Bovada paid on 1/7/21. Betonline paid on 1/18 to BTC wallet. Mybookie paid on the 29th. More updates as they roll in.
December 2020 – As we close out the final month of this year, we have a wide range of payouts coming in. Expect bookmaker on 12/3 (yes, was paid), nothing from intertops, Bovada around the 10th. BOL and Mybookie expected by the 20th and 30th respectively. Bovada paid 12/7, right on time as usual. Betonline in on the 15th. Waiting on Mybookie expected at the end of the month *Mybookie paid on the 24th, early for this this month.
November 2020 – Updates as they roll in. Intertops paid to player account 11/2, expect BTC payout within a couple days. Bookmaker due. Expect Bovada by the 10th. Bookmaker paid on 11/6, Bovada on 11/9. Updates as they happen. Betonline and Sportsbetting paid on the 10th. *Mybookie paid on the 30th.
October 2020 – *5dimes did pay out at the end of last month, for what is likely the last time ever (RIP) on 9/27. Bookmaker on 10/5 paid, Bovada paid on 10/8. 10/19 – waiting on BOL and Mybookie within the next week. BOL actually send payment earlier back on 10/14 but wasn’t reported here properly.
September 2020 – ***5Dimes is pulling from the USA market. Withdraw your funds ASAP! We are on hold with them trying to get paid the remainder of our account balance. I expect to be paid but you never know. Bookmaker to pay shortly and Bovada within the week. Updates as payouts start coming in. Intertops paid on 9/7, Bovada paid on 9/9 (to cashier on 9/7), Bookmaker on 9/4, 5dimes on 5/4. *special note on 5dimes, we learned they are leaving the USA market as of 9/25. We recommend withdrawing your balance ASAP. Bitcoin preferred withdrawal method. Betonline paid on 9/14. Mybookie paid 9/24, same time as last month.
August 2020 – Intertops paid on 8/3, 5Dimes after some delay from last month, paid out fast on 8/3. Expect Bovada on Friday 8/5, actually Bovada paid to cashier on 8/4 and then via BTC on 8/5. Updates as they roll in. GTbets began payout on 8/4. Betonline and Sportsbetting paid on 8/15. Mybookie paid on the 24th.
July 2020 – Intertops began payment on 7/2. GTBets, Bookmaker and 5Dimes expected within a few days. Bovada and Betonline shortly after. Bovada paid on 7/7 to cashier available to withdraw bitcoin. Mybookie and BOL paid by 7/25.
June 2020 – I was late on the updates this month, however the good news is that on 6/15, most of the sportsbooks have paid. The early guys included Bookmaker, 5Dimes, Intertops and GTBets. These Closely followed by Bovada and Betonline around the 10th. Mybookie is expected around the end of the month. Will update as soon as Mybookie / Xbet arrive.
May 2020 – It’s strange times we are in. But the bookies are still paying. Intertops 5/4, 5Dimes 5/3 initiated the payout process, other sites as they roll in. Bovada paid bitcoin on 5/11 (in our btc wallet, not just in cashier). BOL paid to bitcoin wallet on 5/8. Waiting on Mybookie as usual expected by the end of the month. GTbets a new bookie paid early this month as they are reported to usually do as well on the 4th.
April 2020 – It’s more important than ever to keep up with the world of payouts from the sportsbooks as the influx of cash has slowed due to no sports to bet on. These books remaining liquid is of upmost importance. Let’s get to the payout report. 4/2 – 5Dimes paid via BTC as well as GTBets. Bookmaker would have paid however there was not a payout due from them. Mybookie actually finally paid on April 2 from a payout due in March. Bovada and Ignition paid nice and early again this month, on 4/7.
March 2020 – 3/2 – Bookmaker and 5Dimes paid early on the 3rd of the month as usual this month. Updates as they roll in. wow Bovada paid super early this month, on 3/6 making up for a late payment the previous month. Betonline paid out on 3/12.
February 2020 – Bookmaker and 5dimes both paid on 2/5. GTBets will be added to the payout list this month with payment on the 8th. Bovada is offering a new payout method this month and I will report on that once it is complete. Payouts expected to be available around the 15th. The payout was late this month from Bovada as they rolled out a new cash out method. Payments should be here via Bitcoin on 2/21 as they withdrawal was approved on 2/20. Actual Bovada payment arrived via BTC on 2/24. Betonline is late this month but they have paid (Paid on 2/23).
Expect Mybookie payout around the 25th.
Reddit Best Online Sportsbook For Us Players
January 2020 – 1/13/2020 update – Expect Bookmaker and 5dimes by 1/5 Bookmaker paid 1/8 via BTC, 5dimes paid on 1/8 via btc. Expect a slight delay due to the new years holidays. Updates coming as they roll in. Intertops 1/10, Bovada and Betonline expected this week around 1/15). Betonline paid on 1/14, Bovada paid on 1/15. Due up next is Mybookie which is expected closer towards the end of this month. Mybookie paid on 1/25 to finish out our expected payments due in January.
2019 Sportsbook Cash Outs/ Payments by Month
December 2019 – Sorry for the late updates this month. I was playing poker in Cherokee at the WSOP Circuit. Anyway – 5Dimes paid 12/4. 12/16 – Bovada, Betonline and Sportsbetting paid via bitcoin. bookmaker paid 12/19 after re-requesting payout. They missed our first of the month request. 12/6 – No payments in yet. Expected this week. Updates as they roll in.
November 2019 – Expect most payments to start arriving week of 11/3 with Bookmaker and 5dimes leading the way as usual. Updates as they happen. 11/7 Betonline paid early, Bookmaker and 5dimes requested and will be processed by 11/8 and will updated if not (payouts did happen 11/8 from both altho 5Dimes took an extra day due to their cashout out verification policies that require a phone call. Expecting Bovada early this month as well, but that is not confirmed. Bovada paid exactly the same time as last month, Friday the 15th just as the office closed up for the week. Mybookie paid from last month, finally in the first week of November, they always pay but they pay late in the month.
October 2019 – 5dimes on 10/2 via bitcoin, Intertops 5/7 via bitcoin. Bookmaker via BTC on the 4th, Bovada paid on 10/18 15th, Expect Betonline this last week and Mybookie by the end of the Month. Updates all month long as they roll in.
September 2019 – Expect payouts from all bookies this month, will report as they roll in (labor day on Monday so will likely see bookmaker and 5 dimes by 9-5). Bookmaker paid 9/4. 5Dimes paid 9/3, Intertops 9/5. Bovada paid 9/19, Betonline/sportsbetting on 9/15. Mybookie late as usual however payment is always eventually made.
August 2019 – Sorry for the late updates, I was playing poker at the WSOP in Cherokee. 5Dimes paid 8/3. Expect Betonline and Bovada withing 7-10 days. Bovada paid via BTC on 8-16. BOL paid on 8-18. I do not expect a payout from bookmaker. Mybookie due in within 5 days.
July 2019 – 7/2, 5-dimes began cashout verification and we replied via wrong email then left for Vegas. 7/3 – No payment from bookmaker, 7/4 Intertops paid to player account and can withdraw via bitcoin, 7/12 Bovada paid via BTC, expect Betonline (came in on 7/17) and Mybookie not in as of 7/26, expected soon.
June 2019 – 6-17 update, 6/6 payments are delayed on our side due to things on our end this month. Bookmaker 6/10, 6/13, Betonline paid via Bitcoin, 5dimes to pay as soon as we request. 6/17 Bovada in on time, 5dimes within two days of request 6/20. Updates as they roll in.
May 2019 – 5Dimes paid 5/2. Bookmaker paid on 5/3 via btc. Intertops on 5/3. Betonline 5/15 and again on 5/20, Bovada 5/16. Mybookie paid 5/24.
April 2019 – 4/5 – 5Dimes payout via BTC, 4/4 – Bookmaker via BTC, Intertops paid 4/2.4/18 Bovada paid via BTC. 4/19 Mybookie paid, All sites expected this month so will be updating as they roll in.
March 2019 – 3/1 – no payment expected from Bookmaker so they get a pass. 3/4 Intertops paid, 3/5 expect 5dimes 3/7, Betonline paid 3/9 and a second payment on 3/20(larger amount). Bovada was due to be in on the 20th but we had a slight hiccup on our end (our fault) on getting paid. All other bettors paid fine – altho Mybookie pressed out into early April for payment, but paid in full but a bit later than usual.
Feb 2019 – Bookmaker 2/2 paid via btc, 5dimes 2/5 paid via btc, Intertops paid 2/7. Bovada paid 2/19 a couple days later than before. Betonline in on 2/15, right on time.
January 2019 – 1/4 Bookmaker paid via btc, 5dimes 1/10, Intertops 1/12, expect Betonline paid 1/13, Bovada paid on 1/15 right on time. Mybookie paid 1/27.
Last Year
December 2018 – 12/7 = Bookmaker on 12/4, Intertops paid, 12/11 Betonline paid one account and 12/13 paid the second. 5dimes had no payout this month. Bovada paid 12/17, on time.
November 2018 – 11/2, 5Dimes paid (kinda) as they declined our bitcoin withdrawal because we didn’t answer the phone when they called us the first time. Then they had us re-try once we contacted them back. The re-try was working until their system flagged us for requesting more than one cashout in a 7 day period (sigh). We didn’t go through the hassle of trying to explain to them why we’ve requested a withdrawal twice within 7 days and just figured we would wait a little bit. Bookmaker in on 11/6. Betonline on 11/7 (very fast). Bovada on 11/20 which is on time for them.
October 2018 – 5Dimes leads the way this month with BTC paying out on 10/2. Bookmaker 10/4, Betonline in on 10/10. Bovada has paid, altho later than usual but within their window of 10/22. Mybookie and more soon. Will update as they roll in.
September 2018 – This month we had 5dimes in 9/6, after jumping through many hoops to confirm my identity even for bitcoin payouts. Betonline in on 9/11. Bovada in on 9/19. Payments expected soon for Mybookie. Updates as they roll in.
August 2018 – 5dimes paid 8/2. No bookmaker payment due again. Betonline/Sportsbetting paid on 8/14. Bovada updated to expect payout on the 20th, however we are still waiting (8/21) *update, Bovada payment received the afternoon of the 21st.
July 2018 – Bookmaker, 5Dimes, Intertops all paid by 7/9. Bovada in 7/18. Betonline made last months payment finally around the 4th. They also paid on time for July (16th). We will continue to be watching closely this month as they were very late last month.
June 2018 – Bookmaker paid via btc 6/5, 5Dimes paid btc on 6/5, Intertops on 6/15, Bovada paid 6/18. Betonline expected this week (6/18). No payment yet from BOL. BOL paid July 3, very late. Due to BTC processing (they couldn’t buy enough bitcoin in time??)
May 2018 – Let’s see who pays first. Bookmaker 5/1 is in. 5dimes paid 5/3, Cloudbet 5/2, Expect Bovada and Betonline within the week 5/14. Betonline paid on 5/22 via BTC.
April 2018 – Betonline now paid via bitcoin 4/17. Bookmaker, Intertops and 5 dimes payments were made on April 4th, 5th and 6th. We expect Betonline and Bovada within 5 days. Payments will be recorded here.
March 2018 – Let’s see who pays out first this month. Bookmaker on 3/1, 5dimes right behind. Intertops 3/3 paid to player account. Bovada 3/9 paid in full. Expecting Betonline any day now. Betonline had major DDOS attacks all month long that they were dealing with.
February 2018 – 2/14 – Bovada via BTC, 02/13 – Intertops paid via BTC after switching to check last month. Betonline processed payment 2/14. Bookmaker and 5dimes paid first week of February. 2/13 Currently waiting on Bovada (any day now and which is still on their payment time window).
January 2018 – Intertops paid to player account on the 2nd but could not pay with bitcoin because of network congestion! Are you serious? They sent a check which arrived on Monday the 8th. Wow, bitcoin deposits are disabled at Intertops because of the high fee’s and network congestion. Come on Bitcoin, get your shit together and get Segwit or Lightning or whatever solution is in there in place to be able to USE bitcoin not just have a store of value (/endrant). Will update as details become clearer.
Changes In Payouts – Cash Outs in 2020 (Prediction)
Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are becoming the fastest, easiest and safest way to deposit and withdraw at one of the legit offshore sportsbooks available to most of the USA. If you are in the US then you are going to want to get properly set up with cryptocurrency for real money online gambling.
Bitcoin makes processing payments simple for the offshore bookmakers. And the offshore bookies are where you get your best value when betting (most of the time). The offshore guys have adopted crypto in big ways.
Not only has it become the most successful deposit method (with virtually 100% of the deposits being successful compared to about 50% success using credit card) it is becoming the preferred method of cashing out.
In some instances it has become the only method of cashing out. One of our players recently hit a parlay at the sportsbook at Americas Cardroom (sister site to who we promote here) for a little over $1000. They could only cash out with bitcoin.
What Is The Best Online Sportsbook
Sportsbooks are moving to crypto to process payments. It began with affiliates and is being encouraged to players. Get familiar with bitcoin as it is has changed the online gambling marketplace. You can find my short list of legit bitcoin sportsbooks here.
You do not have ‘invest in bitcoin’ to use it to gamble online with. Once you are set up with a wallet and have an account on a ‘fiat exchange’ like Coinbase or Localbitcoins you can quickly buy bitcoin, send to your wallet and then deposit at an online sportsbook without holding your money in bitcoin format.
I have a handful of bitcoin gambling guides. Check these out:
- How To Buy Bitcoin For Gambling Safely – Step by step instructions
**Have you requested a cash out recently? Please leave a comment on this page with which sportsbook, which withdrawal method and how long it took to get the money in your hands. We and the other sports bettors thank you in advance! Thanks!
The above sportsbooks are on my short list. You win, they pay. Do not bet at the slow pay / no pay sportsbooks. There are sometimes delays in payments that happen, whenever Uncle Sam decides to come after processors in a big way, but these sites have been through it before, have weathered the storm and pay out. Period.
Obviously fast cashouts are always preferable to slow ones. When your money is out of reach, it’s as if you’re making an interest-free loan to someone. If you can avoid it, allowing it to happen is a bad business decision.
Finding the best sportsbooks online is challenging – we’ve done the work for you! Check it out!
We realize how difficult it is to find the fastest-paying online sportsbooks open to USA players. Below, we’ll point you to the books we use. First, let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons you should limit your betting activity to US-friendly sportsbooks with the quickest payouts.
What’s going on here with this payout report?
I get paid every month from most of these bookies. I report on when that payment comes in. Slow pays to me mean concerns for you.
A sportsbook is only as good as it’s last payout.
Only bet at the books that have consistently paid out. I update the text up above a couple of times each week. I also keep up with payout reports from the betting forums around the web as part of my job so I update back here when necessary.
4 Reasons To Seek The Fastest Sportsbook Payouts Possible
Your reasons for wanting quick access to your money might differ than ours. Or, they might be exactly the same. The important thing to remember is that some sports betting sites pay out faster than others. And they seem to do so on a consistent basis. Unless you have compelling reasons to place wagers at slow-paying books, it’s in your interest to make a switch.
Here’s why fast cash-outs are attractive to us (see if your own reasons dovetail with those below):
Stay Ready To Move On Favorable Lines
Imagine this scenario: you place most of your bets at two or three sportsbooks you’ve become accustomed to over the years. Most of your funds are held within your accounts. You’re locked in.
One day you stumble upon a book that offers everything you like to see in a sports betting site. And it has a stellar reputation to boot. You notice that the site offers several amazing lines, and want to take advantage of them before they shift. Unfortunately, your money is tied up in your other sportsbook accounts. There’s no way to gain access to it in time to fully leverage the odds you’ve stumbled upon.
This is a dilemma you’re likely to encounter at some point. In fact, you’ll probably confront it more than once. If your money is held at a sportsbook known for processing quick withdrawals, you’ll have a better chance of taking advantage of opportunities.
Maintain Spending Flexibility
There are countless things you might want – or need – to spend money on. For example, you might want to take a small vacation with your spouse. You may want to purchase the latest iPhone. Or perhaps your child is starting college and the first tuition payment is due. From buying coveted items for yourself to enjoying experiences with your family to paying for necessities (e.g. a new roof for your home), you want to have funds available.
Now suppose most of your discretionary income is contained in your sportsbook accounts. It might take weeks for you to gain access to it. In the meantime, you may be forced to put other expenditures on hold, some of which might need to be addressed immediately.
The more quickly you can obtain your funds, the better. Here, receiving fast sportsbook payouts can be a huge benefit.
Keep Your Money Productive
Ideally, your money should always be working for you. Whether you’re investing in stocks, building an emergency fund, or generating profits by betting on sports, idle funds represent a waste.
You can ensure your money stays productive by shortening the time frame between requesting a withdrawal and receiving your cashout. You’ll be able to put your funds to use more quickly and (hopefully) toward profitable ends.
Enjoy Peace Of Mind
No one enjoys the thought of giving up control of their funds. It’s unsettling. The only reason most of us feel comfortable leaving a considerable sum in our checking and savings accounts is because the funds are insured. Not so with the funds you keep in your sportsbook accounts.
When the high-profile poker sites Full Tilt and PokerStars were forced to close their doors to U.S. poker players in 2011, many people found their accounts frozen. They couldn’t access their money, which, in some cases, amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those issues have since been resolved, but they reveal a risk taken by U.S. sports bettors.
When you limit your betting activity to sportsbooks with the fastest payouts, you’ll have more peace of mind. In an emergency, you’ll be able to gain access to your funds more quickly.
Fast Sportsbook Cashouts And Payout Methods
The payment method you chose is going to greatly affect he speeds with which you receive your funds. Some methods are faster than others. For example, transfers such as those sent via person to person are usually the quickest option. By contrast, choosing to receive a check in the mail is typically the slowest. With a wire transfer, your funds are available within minutes. A check may take 3 to 4 weeks to arrive.
Bank wires are also relatively quick, at least in comparison to checks. You’ll usually receive your money within 5 or 6 days. Keep in mind it could take longer depending on holidays.
If wires take so little time compared to checks, why would anyone choose checks as their payout option? The reason involves fees. Wires tend to be expensive. If you’re in a bind and need cash quickly, paying the wire transfer fee may be worthwhile. Otherwise, it’s a very costly way to receive money that is already yours.
It’s important to note that there is often a fee to have a check sent out. But the fee is much smaller than the fee charged for a wire transfer. Moreover, depending on the circumstances, it may be waived by the sportsbook.
Even the fastest cash out sportsbooks won’t send your money to a credit card, even if you used the credit card to fund your account. Doing so is too problematic thanks to U.S. federal laws passed several years ago. (Sports bettors living in Europe are spared this inconvenience.)
How To Streamline Fast Payouts From USA Sportsbooks
You’re going to have to really prove your identity if you’re making a first time withdrawal in the United States. A lot of sports bettors become angry when the sportsbooks from which they’re cashing out ask them to present government-issued identification (driver’s license, I.D. card, etc.).
First, this requirement is normal. Nearly all sports betting sites do it. Second, despite the inconvenience, it’s actually encouraging that sportsbooks take steps to verify the identities of those to whom they’re sending money.
You can remove unnecessary obstacles to gain quick access to your cash by having the proper documents ready to fax or email over to the sports betting site. When they ask, be ready to accommodate them.
Where To Find Fast-Paying Sportsbooks
We’ve used the following sports betting sites with great success. Each of them has managed to process and send payouts quickly and without problems.
Bovada Sports – A veteran in the online sports betting industry. Grab a $250 free bonus with promo code 130347. Check our review
Remember, fast payouts are always better than slow ones. If you can find the former, why accept the latter? With that in mind, we highly recommend checking out the sites we’ve listed above.
Photo credits: Money
Online betting is an extremely convenient way to make money with your sports knowledge and hot tips. If you’re someone who knows how to pick winners, it’s time to start making some real money for those picks. Thankfully, you can start turning that profit without ever leaving the house. Below, we have a list of the best betting sites available in your area that offer the most trusted, reputable, safe, and complete online betting experience possible.
Rank | DE Gambling Site | Sign Up Bonus | Get Started |
#1 | Betway Sports | 100% up to €150 | |
#2 | 22bet Sports | 100% up to €122 | |
#3 | Spin Sports | 100% up to €200 | |
#4 | 10Bet Sports | 100% up to €50 | |
#5 | Guts Sports | 100% up to €50 |
These sports betting sites are just the tip of the iceberg. In the remainder of this guide, we’re going to cover a ton of different online sportsbook options as well as some crucial information to your success. Here’s a quick look at some of the information we’re going to cover. Feel free to click and jump ahead to the section that most interests you or scroll down and check things out in order.
Online Betting Sites by Country
Not every sports betting site in the world offers their services to every corner of the globe. In fact, some of the best online betting sites like to laser-focus their service to specific countries or regions. This allows them to offer bets on the most popular sports for that country, bonuses that fit that country’s tendencies, and ultimately, just a better all-around experience for a unique bettor base. If you’re looking for the top online betting sites that offer services to your country, check out the links we’ve provided for you below.
Best Betting Sites by Sport
Got a particular sport that you’re an expert at? Looking for specific sports to bet on? Did your sport’s season just end and is it time to find action and value elsewhere? Whatever the reason may be, many of you here are probably looking for the best sports betting sites offering action on a particular sport. While most of the reputable betting sites offer action on all major sports, many of them specialize in particular sports.
What does this specialization look like? It typically means that online betting sites are offering more bet types on that sport, more games, more leagues, and better promotions targeted at that sport. Basically, it’s going to seem like they’re playing favorites with a particular sport, and we are okay with that. If you are really looking for the best sports betting sites broken down by the sport they do best, check out the links we’ve provided for you below.
Top Sports Betting Sites by League
Each popular sport out there has it’s “top of the line” league, its main event. In every sport, there is one (sometimes two) leagues that stand out above the rest as the best places for bettors to make money. If you’re a highly-specialized sports bettor who has come here looking for the best action on a particular league, you’re in luck. The links below will take you to a sports betting site broken down by the league they offer the best action in.
Much like the sport-specific sites, these online betting sites will offer more bets, cover more games, and have more specialized bonuses for the games within these leagues. If you bet on sports and you’re ready to get into the real money betting action on a particular league, check out the links we’ve provided for you below.
Popular Sporting Events to Bet On
Whether it’s a major championship, the culmination of a tournament, or an iconic event, there are many special dates on the sports betting calendar to get excited about. The air just seems a little more refreshing when you wake up and it’s Super Bowl Sunday, or any day in March (March Madness), or even the morning of the Daytona 500. These are just a few examples of some of the busiest times for sportsbooks, both in person and online.
What does it mean when sportsbooks are busy? Well, besides lines at the brick and mortar spots, it means a ton of amateurs looking to place some bets will be pushing the lines in silly directions. This means incredible opportunities for you to make a killing. But you can only turn that serious profit if you’re wagering with a trusted sportsbook.
Different online betting sites seem to take major sporting events at different levels of seriousness. Some go nuts for certain major events while those same sites might ignore another major event. If you’re looking to bet on some of these events, you need to know which sites cater to them. The links below will tell you just that.
Best Online Sportsbooks By Type
Some of you out there might care more about the features of the sportsbooks you choose than the sports or events it specializes in. As long as they are a highly trusted betting site that covers major sports, you’re happy. That is, as long as they excel with the unique want or need that you have. Below, we have the site categories broken down by their area of expertise. These are the sites that absolutely blow away the competition when it comes to these elements of their product. The rest of their sportsbook is still great, but these are the areas they absolutely shine in.
What Makes These the Best Online Betting Sites?
We don’t just hand out our best online betting site recommendations loosely. Just because you offer sports betting action and have some cool graphics does not automatically make you a viable candidate. We have a very intensive and thoroughly mapped out process that we use to review every site. There are numerous areas of criteria that we check and recheck to ensure that we’re giving an honest view of what all our recommended sites have to offer.
What we would like to do now is give you a small glimpse into what that process looks like. Below, we have the top seven criteria that help some betting sites stand out above the rest.
Diverse Action Offered on Many Different Sports
Most bettors love to bet on sports of different levels and varieties. Whether you are a recreational bettor or a seasoned professional, you most likely have several different sports you like to bet on. Even if you’re glued to one sport, there are very few bettors we know that don’t throw at least a little action on major events like the Super Bowl or the World Series.
Because of this fact, it’s important that the best sports betting sites online cover a diverse range of sports and offer a diverse range of bet types. We want to be able to bet on all of the major sports out there as well as the less popular sports. We want to see coverage of a lot (if not all) of the games within those sports, not just the TV games.
Best Sportsbooks For Usa Customers
Additionally, we want to be able to make a lot of different wagers on those games, matches, and races. Sure, picking winners can be a profitable way to approach betting, but there are so many other ways that you can turn predictions into cash. The best online betting sites that we’ve recommended are at the top of their game when it comes to diverse action.
Site Security, Trustworthiness, Industry Reputation, and Fast Payouts
If you think about it, online gambling sites are a lot like banks. They hold people’s personal information and large sums of their money. What does this mean? It means that they can potentially become targets of thieves and hackers much like banks always are. In order to combat this threat, they need to be on the attack when it comes to site security.
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All of the sportsbooks that have made our lists are on the cutting edge of web security. They utilize technology, dedicated teams, and several other methods to keep you and your money safe and sound.
But security is not the whole equation when it comes to how the site is run. We’re additionally looking for bookmakers that can be trusted and have a positive industry reputation. Ask yourself:
- Do they take care of their customers?
- Are they fair?
- Are their games fair?
- What does the industry have to say about them?
- Do they payout winnings? If so, how quickly?
All of these questions are where we begin our research when we are looking to determine the best online betting sites available. Thanks to a refined process, we’re confident that the sites you see on this page are the best in all three of these categories.
Competent and Accessible Customer Service Options
There will be times during your sports betting experience where you are going to need help. This might be something as simple as having a promotion explained to you or as complex as helping you move money across the world into your account. Whatever the issue is and no matter how big or small, you want to be able to get effective help quickly.

When we are working to determine the best sports betting sites, we take a deep look at the availability and efficiency of the site’s customer service. Can you get ahold of someone quickly? Do you have several different options to reach them? Is the person you first speak to able to help you with your problem? If not, does your more complex problem get escalated properly and fixed?
We would hope you never need customer service help, but that is just not realistic. The online sports betting sites we’ve recommended here have high-quality customer service teams that you can reach 24/7/365 from many effective mediums.
Juicy Bonuses and Expansive VIP Rewards Programs
This is definitely not the first thing we look at when picking out sports betting sites to recommend, but it is something that we certainly do not ignore. Sportsbooks compete for your business aggressively. The most common way that they do this is through bonuses, free stuff, and VIP rewards programs. A quality online sportsbook will have bonuses to help get you in the door and promotions to help keep you loyal. Basically, you should be getting free stuff and kickbacks at all times with whomever you decide to bet with.
Best Online Sportsbooks For Usa
The sites we’ve recommended on this page understand the importance of enticing new bettors and rewarding loyalty. When you choose one of these sportsbooks, you can be confident that you’re going to get a great bonus right out of the gate. Additionally, you can be confident that if you continue to bet with the sportsbook, you will be rewarded appropriately.
Because it is much easier to track your play online, you will get much more rewards and bonuses at the online betting sites than you would at a land-based sportsbook. Sure, they won’t have a waitress coming around bringing you free drinks, but you can take the free cash they throw your way and buy a lot of drinks for yourself if you want to.
Quality Mobile Betting Platforms
Our recommendations contain sportsbooks that offer incredible mobile betting platforms. Don’t forget that there are many ways to bet online. If you are looking for somewhere that you can bet at home, in the office, on the bus, or anywhere else on the go, these are the online betting sites you’ve been looking for. You can make all of your real money bets as long as you have a smartphone and a connection to the internet.
Continuous Innovation and Forward-Looking Management Team
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The best betting sites we’ve recommended here are not resting on their laurels. They are run by management teams who strive to be on the cutting edge of the industry. They are constantly looking for the newest technology, the most innovated processes, and ways they can improve your online betting experience. This means new sports covered, creative, and always changing bonuses, growing VIP programs, and a user experience that is constantly getting more and more convenient.
How to Get Started Betting on Sports Online
Some of you here might be brand new to betting on sports online. If that’s you, welcome! Online sports betting is an incredibly convenient way to make your real money wagers without having to drive all the way to the sportsbook or casino. While this way of betting is extremely convenient, it may seem a little overwhelming at first. You may not know where to start, what certain terminology means, how to read the odds, or even what strategies to employ.
That’s okay. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you’re ready to get started right way, check out the resources we have for you below. These guides have all been created with bettors like you in mind. We’ll walk you through all the details you need to know about how to bet online. And we’ll make sure to do it in a way that isn’t confusing or overloaded with complex and unnecessary concepts.
Placing Your First Bet Online
The first place you should stop if you’re absolutely brand new to betting online is right here. We’ve put together a comprehensive betting guide to walk you through all the steps to get started. We’ll discuss picking out the best online betting sites for you, deciding what game or event to bet on, choosing the type of bet you want to make, and how to make all of that happen. By the time you get to the end of this guide, you will be fully equipped to make your first real money sports bet online.
Sports Betting FAQ and Terminology
“I’ll take the under on the circle game as long as the line doesn’t shift thanks to the late morning action from the sharps.” Yeah, if that sounded like Greek to you, that’s okay. Much like other professions, sports bettors have a tendency to talk in jargon. Once you learn the lingo, it makes things easier. But it can also seem like a foreign language to new bettors. In the first guide linked below, we’re going to walk you through all the important terminology that you need to know. If you want to be able to understand the experts (and sound like one yourself), this is the guide for you.
Got some specific questions about sports betting? Check out our frequently asked questions guide. As the name says, we cover the most frequently asked questions we hear from new sports bettors. This is a great spot to get some valuable information about the entire sports betting process from start to finish.
Understanding Sports Betting Odds
You paid attention in statistics and your other math classes in school, right? Yeah, we didn’t either. Unfortunately for us “math lovers,” sports betting revolves heavily around math, stats, and calculations. Sure, you can try and pick winners while ignoring the odds at the best sports betting sites, but you’re going to leave yourself at a pretty big disadvantage. If you’d like to get a good introduction into how to understand sports betting odds, check out the links provided below now.
Additional Online Sports Betting Resources
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We’ve already covered a lot about betting on sports online, but there is still so much more to learn! One of the great things about online sports betting is that there is endless information you can use to increase your chances of winning. Below, we’ve collected all of our additional resources for beginners. These guides will help you get from where you are right now, into the sports betting action, then hopefully cashing out big winners sometime soon.
Sports Betting Strategy Guides, Articles, and Resources
The one thing we haven’t directly addressed yet in this guide is how to win. Sure, everything else we’ve covered will help you win. Choosing a reliable sports betting website helps increase your chances of winning, and so does knowing how the bets work and how to bet properly. But the one thing that will have a big impact on your profit level that we haven’t discussed yet is strategy.
In the guides linked below, we will dive into the foundation of sports betting strategies. If you want to do more than just be in the action, this is where you want to start spending your time. These beginner strategy guides will also feed into our more advanced strategy guides as well.
Online Sports Betting Legality and Laws
One of the most popular questions that we get from sports bettors all over the world is: “what online betting sites are legal in my area”? The follow-up question to that is also whether or not online sports betting is legal in their state, country, or region. In most areas of the world, online sports betting is completely legal. There are some areas where you do see some restrictions, but for the most part, these restrictions are not on the individual sports bettor, but the sportsbook themselves.
If you’d like a more in-depth look on the legality of sports betting in your area, check out the links we have provided for you below. We’ll take a deep dive into the law books and give you our opinion of what they mean and how they affect you. Most of you will have no issues whatsoever (including those of you playing from the US). But for those of you that need to see it clearer, the link below will help answer all of your questions to the best of our ability.
Tips for Picking out the Best Sports Betting Sites
- Test the Mobile Interface If You’re Planning to Bet On the Go
- Join Multiple Online Betting Sites to Shop Lines
- Stick to the Sportsbooks We’ve Vetted
- Test Out the Steps of Making a Bet
- Make Sure They Have Banking Options You Like
- Know That You’re Never Married to an Online Betting Site
Picking out a sports betting site is a big deal. Why? Well, making the wrong choice can set you up for failure and potentially put a big dent in your bottom line. On the flip side of that coin, making the right choice about your betting site can set you up for success and give you the best opportunities to make the most money.
The fact that you are here looking for advice on the best sports betting sites is already a huge step in the right direction. But maybe you’ve gotten this far in the guide, and you haven’t made a decision yet. What we’d like to do is give you a few quick tips to try and help you make that final decision.
Tip #1 – Test the Mobile Interface If You’re Planning to Bet On the Go
If you’re only going to bet from your desktop at home, this will not be important. But if you’re like most sports bettors, then you will want the ability to bet from anywhere. You never know when the lines are going to change in your favor or when you’re going to get a hot tip minutes before the start of a game. Make sure that you take a few minutes to check out the mobile platform of the site you are going to use. Most sports betting sites in this day and age have incredible mobile and desktop platforms that are seamlessly integrated (meaning you can jump back and forth between the two when it’s convenient).
Tip #2 – Join Multiple Online Betting Sites to Shop Lines
Having trouble deciding between two betting sites? You can join both of them. If you’ve read the strategy sections linked from this guide, you know that shopping your betting lines is a must-do practice if you are serious about making money from sports betting. Thankfully, online sports betting makes this practice much easier logistically. So, if you are stuck between a few options, you’re actually probably in a much better spot than you think. Just join both! It does not cost anything extra to join multiple sites.
Tip #3 – Stick to the Sportsbooks We’ve Vetted
We’re not the kind of people to ever tell you what to do. You’re all adults, and you are certainly smart enough to make your own decisions. That being said, we would like to advise you of something based on our experience in the online sports betting industry: Stick to the sportsbooks that we’ve vetted. We do not call these the best sports betting sites for the heck of it. We do that because these sites are safe, secure, and will offer you the type of experience you are looking for.
If you choose to go outside of the recommendations we’ve laid out here, you open yourself up to some danger. It’s very hard for the untrained eye to spot betting sites that are not looking out for your interests. By sticking with our recommendations that have already been fully vetted, you guarantee that you’ll have a safe and secure sports betting experience.
Tip #4 – Test Out the Steps of Making a Bet
Something that you may not know about online sportsbooks is that you will have full access to the entire site even prior to making a free account. This means that you can get the ultimate feel for what betting there would be like if you were an actual member. At most sites, you can search through the different bets, check out the odds, and you can even build betting tickets. The only thing that you’re not going to be able to do without an account is actually submit the bet. But you will be able to do everything up until then.
Take advantage of this. Make sure you are comfortable with the betting process. Make sure you fully understand how things work and ensure it all works for you. If everything is to your liking, then you can go ahead and make your account and get to making some real money bets!
Tip #5 – Make Sure They Have Banking Options You Like
One of the big perks of choosing to wager with an online betting site is that you’re going to have access to a lot of great banking options. This will make the deposit and withdrawal process much smoother. That being said, not every site is going to have the same banking options.
Make sure you take a minute and see what options they have for deposits and what options they have for withdrawals. You don’t need multiple banking options for both options, but you need at least one good one that you are a fan of.
Tip #6 – Know That You’re Never Married to an Online Betting Site
When choosing a site to join, you are not obligated to stay there. No matter if you have made 1,000 bets or 0 bets, you can leave whenever you want. All you have to do is withdraw your money and you are gone. What does this have to do with picking out the best betting sites for you? Well, don’t overthink the process. If you find something you like, give it a try for a few weeks. If it’s a good fit, awesome! If it turns out not to be the best fit, no big deal. You can always pick up and go somewhere else. It’s not like buying a car or a house where you are stuck with your purchase. You have a lot of freedom that you can exercise at any point in time.
Recent Sports and Sports Betting Blogs
Want to stay up to speed with all the latest happenings in sports and the sports betting industry? This is a key to success with your bets. Picking out a trustworthy online sports betting site can only take you so far. You will need to stay up to date with the latest news so that you can use those sites to make your masterful picks. Check out the latest sports blogs below!